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  • Municipal Police

    Municipal Police is responsible for community development, delivery, enforcement of law and order, and maintaining training standards of Municipal, San Andreas Bay Transit Police, and Environmental Police Officers performing police duties and functions. Municipal police agencies are under the control of the local governments. This includes Los Santos County's municipal governments, the smallest administrative subdivisions.

    Municipal Police is a consortium of police departments in Davis, Vinewood, Del Perro, Sandy Shores, Grapeseed, and Paleto Bay. Member agencies operate by sharing resources and personnel, collectively providing services to each other that might not be available to one. Municipal Police Agencies also coordinate the provision of mutual aid and resources between themselves in accordance with San Andreas general laws. Simply stated, a law enforcement council coordinates a collaborative partnership of police agencies in a region that shares knowledge, resources, and personnel for the benefit of public safety. Municipal Police have primary jurisdiction over all municipalities across the Commonwealth of San Andreas except for state highways, state property, and federal property, where the San Andreas State Police holds primary jurisdiction.

  • Mission Statement

    Municipal Police ‌Agencies will‌ partner ‌with‌ ‌the‌‌ community‌ ‌to‌ ‌promote‌ ‌open‌ ‌communication,‌ ‌education,‌ ‌cooperation,‌ fair‌ and equal‌ ‌treatment ‌to‌ ‌improve‌ ‌the‌ ‌quality‌ ‌of‌ ‌life,‌ ‌promote‌ ‌unity,‌ ‌encourage‌ ‌respect,‌ ‌and‌ ‌make‌ San Andreas ‌‌a‌ ‌safe‌ ‌community.‌

    Code of Ethics

    A code of ethics sets forth values, principles, and standards to which professionals aspire and judge their actions. As Law Enforcement Officers, our fundamental duty is to serve the community to safeguard lives and property to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder, and to respect the constitutional rights of all to liberty, equality, and justice.

  • At Municipal Police, our unwavering dedication to safety and public protection is exemplified through a diverse array of specialized Bureaus. Each Bureau is meticulously crafted to address Municipal Agencies' unique challenges and demands, ensuring a comprehensive approach to safeguarding the Commonwealth of San Andreas.

    Bureau of Professional Development
    Committed to excellence, our Bureau of Professional Development is the cornerstone of skill enhancement and knowledge acquisition for our officers. Led by experienced Field Training Officers (FTOs), we prioritize continuous training to empower our personnel with the latest techniques and best practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


    Bureau of Investigations
    In collaboration with the San Andreas Fusion Center, our Bureau of Investigations is at the forefront of unraveling complex cases and dismantling criminal networks. Specializing in thorough investigations and targeted operations, we are dedicated to maintaining a proactive stance against criminal, gang, and illegal activities.


    Bureau of Field Services
    Dynamic and responsive, our Bureau of Field Services is equipped with cutting-edge resources, including K9 Units and Drone Operations. This ensures our ability to swiftly adapt and address a spectrum of situations, reinforcing public safety through innovative and effective law enforcement practices.


    Bureau of Transportation
    Enforcing order on our streets and safeguarding public transit, the Bureau of Transportation plays a vital role in ensuring secure and seamless mobility. From managing traffic with precision through our Traffic Enforcement Division to vigilant oversight by the Transit Police, we are committed to creating a safe environment for all commuters.


    Bureau of Professional Standards
    Upholding the highest ethical standards is non-negotiable at our Bureau of Professional Standards. Here, we oversee departmental complaints, material development, and policy implementation, maintaining transparency and professionalism. Our commitment to ethical conduct is central to building trust within the community and fostering a positive relationship between law enforcement and the public.

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    San Andreas Law Enforcement Council

    The San Andreas Law Enforcement Council (SALEC) is an association of law enforcement departments within Los Santos County. Member agencies operate by sharing resources and personnel, collectively providing services to each other that might not be available to one. SALEC coordinates this sharing of personnel and resources to provide its member agencies with the ability to provide supplemental services to the 250,000 people in the 30.84 square miles they serve.

    SALEC is a professional organization directed by its members' priorities and needs. This means that officers from SALEC agencies can be made available in other communities during an emergency or event that requires police services beyond what local police may have. SALEC coordinates the provision of mutual aid and the sharing of these officers between agencies in accordance with the San Andreas Legislature. Simply stated, a law enforcement council coordinates a collaborative partnership of police agencies in a region that shares knowledge, resources, and personnel to benefit public safety.

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    Recruitment Status: Closed

  • Stay informed and connected with the latest updates from Municipal Police. Visit the Municipal Police Portal for real-time information, important announcements, and access to our monthly newsletter.

  • Police Administration

    Police Commissioner
    Chief of Police
    Deputy Chief

    Police Senior Staff

    Patrol Captain
    Patrol Lieutenant

    Police Staff

    Patrol Sergeant

    Police Staff in Training

    Patrol Sergeant

    Police Officers

    Senior Patrol Officer
    Patrol Officer
    Probationary Patrol Officer

    Reserve Police Officers

    Senior Reserve Officer
    Reserve Officer
    Probationary Reserve Officer

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