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Michael S. Civ-1

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Michael S. Civ-1 last won the day on February 24

Michael S. Civ-1 had the most liked content!

About Michael S. Civ-1

  • Birthday 12/13/2005

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  • Rank
    Civilian Director

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Michael S. Civ-1's Achievements

Community Regular

Community Regular (8/18)

  • One Year In
  • Well Followed Rare
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Single Status Update

See all updates by Michael S. Civ-1

  1. Question of the day: 

    What is the weirdest fact you know?

    1. Jeff K. C-23

      Jeff K. C-23

      Did you KNOW that Michael S. in a Civilian 2 in WWRP ?!!!


    2. Thomas M. Civ-112

      Thomas M. Civ-112

      It’s statistically safer to fly after a recent plane crash. 

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