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Michael S. Civ-1

Administration Staff
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Status Replies posted by Michael S. Civ-1

  1. Apply For WorldwideRP, you will not be disappointed! Feel free to message me with any questions. 


    PS. @Michael S. Civ-4 is the best Civillan Admin/Staff

  2. Passed the LEAB, now onto trainings, then its "Peta G, Reportin' for duty." 👮‍♂️

  3. How long does it typically take to hear back or have someone review a submitted Reserve Civ application?

  4. some of these suggestions are cringe. 

  5. Anyone seen the new top gun? What did ya think? Gonna see it tomorrow!


    1. Michael S. Civ-1

      Michael S. Civ-1

      Haven't personally, I hear it is really good though. Might have to make some freetime to head down to the theatre. 

  6. Deez Nutz > Bread 

    1. Michael S. Civ-1

      Michael S. Civ-1

      Deez Nutz Supremacy

  7. bread

    1. Michael S. Civ-1

      Michael S. Civ-1


  8. BCSO training has been fun so far, glad to have gotten some great trainers! 

    1. Michael S. Civ-1

      Michael S. Civ-1

      I assume you passed? If so, congrats! 

  9. It's been a crazy week so far. Between work and the community. Got promoted to supervisor for K9 and finally got a day off. SASP K9 is still accepting apps!!!! Come put one in!!!

    1. Michael S. Civ-1

      Michael S. Civ-1

      Congrats! I'm sure you're probably happy with that promotion, I hope that work gets a little less crazy for you lol. I know how it feels. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. You should join SAFR! 

  11. If you do not join Civilian Operations you are a sussy among us imposter! Drink blue potion 3am ! Cops Called ! Sus ! 

    1. Michael S. Civ-1

      Michael S. Civ-1

      If you utter those words again I will personally leave civilian operations. spacer.png

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