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Justin G

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Status Updates posted by Justin G

  1. Hello! How yawl doin this fine day?

  2. Patrol Do Be Popin

    1. Tyson W.
    2. Tyson W.

      Tyson W.

      Don't come back, Trader Thanks! 

    3. Shawn W. 3C-113

      Shawn W. 3C-113

      Justin ant a Trader He is Exploring his Opportunities 

  3. Hmmmmm. Tyson W. is a Trader.. >:C

    @Tyson W. C-603

    1. Tyson W.

      Tyson W.

      AYO WTF

      Not my fault Development is better

    2. Justin G
  4. Hmm

    1. Tyson W.
    2. Finlay S

      Finlay S

      what u thinking about there justin 

  5. I bet you can't keep this on an even amount of likes, and follows

  6. like this post. >:C

  7. Please like this.. Let's not have Sean have the most likes on here. : D

  8. [LOA] I will be going on LOA for about a week. If you need anything please reach out to me via discord.

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