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Jaxon L.

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Jaxon L. last won the day on January 6 2022

Jaxon L. had the most liked content!

About Jaxon L.

  • Birthday 04/07/1994

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  • Rank
    Retired Staff

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Jaxon L.'s Achievements


Newbie (1/18)

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  1. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! 🙂

    1. Jackson S. 2B-102

      Jackson S. 2B-102

      Thanks same to you jaxon 

    2. Barrett D.

      Barrett D.

      Likewise Jaxon!

  2. Da twelve!

    1. Jameson H. 2B-134

      Jameson H. 2B-134

      Congratulations once again! 

  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 🙂

  4. Thanks for the follow! 😄

  5. Digging the new profile picture.

  6. Spooky season is upon us! I hope everyone has been doing well. 🙂

  7. New group banners for all community ranks. Woo!

  8. Project Mayflower has been a success. 🙂

  9. hey was going to attend training today but it full let me know if there is any open spots thanks 


    1. Jaxon L.

      Jaxon L.

      It is currently full, but if someone does not attend I will make an attempt to DM you on discord!

    2. Kaleb J

      Kaleb J

      ok thanks 


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