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Jaxon L.

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Everything posted by Jaxon L.

  1. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! 🙂

    1. Jackson S. 2B-102

      Jackson S. 2B-102

      Thanks same to you jaxon 

    2. Barrett D.

      Barrett D.

      Likewise Jaxon!

  2. Da twelve!

    1. Jameson H. 2B-134

      Jameson H. 2B-134

      Congratulations once again! 

  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 🙂

  4. Digging the new profile picture.

  5. Spooky season is upon us! I hope everyone has been doing well. 🙂

  6. New group banners for all community ranks. Woo!

  7. Project Mayflower has been a success. 🙂

  8. Ah, the 15th, halfway there! Almost spooky season.

  9. Already September? Wow, this year is going by fast! 'Tis the season coming soon...

  10. Purple name! 🙂

    1. Karan S. 1K-99

      Karan S. 1K-99

      We purple name gang be lit

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