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Tyler L. 1730

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Tyler L. 1730 last won the day on March 17 2023

Tyler L. 1730 had the most liked content!


About Tyler L. 1730

  • Birthday 05/10/2004

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  1. Fun Fact of The Day
    The Police in Iceland Don't Carry Firearms!

    "Iceland is one of the safest counties in the world, with fewer than one murder case every year.  This probably explains why the police in Iceland do not carry guns.  Instead, they rely on batons and MK-4 OC-spray (pepper spray).  Only the local SWAT team possesses firearms and they're activated only when needed."

  2. Fact of The Day: "It may feel a lot longer in the moment, but the average person spends two weeks of their life sitting at traffic lights".

  3. Communications training passed.  Sit-Along next!

  4. Passed interview woo hoo! 😊

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